ENGAGE.EU Short Courses
ENGAGE.EU short courses are developed on to enable learners to address today’s societal challenges – digitalisation and artificial intelligence, climate change, ageing societies and migration. These are important topics for any learner, and ENGAGE.EU wants to reach both traditional professionals and practitioners from business and industry, grassroots organizations and NGOs from all parts of society.
An ENGAGE.EU short course is a small, targeted, and flexible unit of learning within an ENGAGE.EU theme. The course is an intensive course offered online or blended which is designed for remote delivery. The course can give between 2 and 5 ECTS.
Current Offers
- Define codesign. Tell the history of the profession and name the different methods
- understand the interest and mechanics of a preliminary scoping time for any collaborative workshop. Why and how to activate the facilitation levers. Activate the right facilitator postures for design. Understand the mechanics of a collaborative workshop
- Use the following tools (framing document, detailed process, instructions…. ) : prepare and facilitate a framing time. Construct an outline for a simple collaborative workshop.
- differentiate a classic workshop from a codeigned workshop by means of a collaborative reading grid.
1 -Identify the fundamentals of codesign and facilitation:
2 – Recognise the levers to activate in codesign and facilitation:
3- Implementing codesign:
- Developing a common language and a common culture of group genious and collaborative project management
- Exploring the different dimensions and rhythms of project management
- Developing reflexes and intuitions in the making of collective projects
- Learning to use tools available to foster collective intelligence in project management.
- The training aims at giving the basic foundation necessary to work in project mode.
- Learn about the different facets of project management through current methods, tools and postures.
- Take ownership of the state of the art and the project management tools available in your ecosystem.
- Develop your behavioural intelligence and reflexes to adapt to cultures, personalities and situations.
- Develop your ability to engage and lead the various stakeholders around a project of varying size while respecting the dynamics and intentions of each person.
Past Offers
The course takes a macro-level perspective to explore the nature, different forms, and implications of societal transition. Faced with climate constraints and environmental challenges, companies, like all other actors, must change profoundly and engage in this transition. However, understanding this societal transition requires thinking about the relationships and interdependencies between different empirical phenomena and scientific disciplines. To this end, we will introduce participants to the systems approach and theories of complexity to understand society as a complex system.
The course covers four days from Mai 9th to May 12th and is delivered fully online, combining asynchronous and live synchronous teaching and learning activities.
More information about admission and requirements and practical information
Fee: 200€
Are you interested? Please send an e-mail to engage.wil.program@ut-capitole.fr
About (Delivered by Université Toulouse 1 Capitole)
- Session 1: Societal Transition: What are we talking about?
(Day 1 – Tuesday, May 09th: live Welcome and Introduction session via Zoom from 0900-1000h CEST, followed by asynchronous online learning activities via Moodle)
- Session 2: Societal Transition as a Complex System
(Day 2 – Wednesday, May 10th: asynchronous online learning activities via Moodle)
- Session 3: Main Forms of Societal Transition
(Day 2 – Wednesday, May 10th: asynchronous online learning activities via Moodle)
- Session 4: Societal Transition, “Relatinship to the World”, and “Resonance”
(Day 3 – Thursday, May 11th: asynchronous online learning activities via Moodle and a live Guest Speaker session via Zoom 1600-1715h CEST)
- Session 5: The Entepreneurial Project in the Societal Transition
(Day 4 – Friday, May 12th: asynchronous online learning activities via Moodle and a live Wrap-up session via Zoom from 1500-1600h CEST)
The overall aim of this course is to enable practitioners to develop innovative and feasible solutions to resolve grand societal challenges and to make a difference in their organizations and the societies they are living in.
The course provides participants with the relevant insights, knowledge, and skills for addressing and tackling grand societal challenges from a micro-level perspective.
More information about admission and requirements and practical information
Fee: 200€
Are you interested? Please send an e-mail to: synne.stormoen@nhh.no
About (Delivered by NHH Norwegian School of Economics)
The course covers five days and is delivered fully online in a live synchronous mode via Zoom from May 22nd to May 26th. Every day, we will have online live sessions from 1300-1630h (CEST) combining lectures, groupwork activities, and guest speakers on selected topics.
- Session 1: Innovation – What it is, and what it is not?
(Day 1 – Monday, May 22nd: 1300-1630h CEST, live online session via Zoom)
- Session 2: Leveraging Network Effects Within and accross Country Borders
(Day 2 – Tuesday, May 23rd: 1300-1630h CEST, live online session via Zoom)
- Session 3: Business Models as Conceptual Frames and Practical Tools
(Day 3 – Wednesday, May 24th: 1300-1630h CEST, live online session via Zoom)
- Session 4: Sustainable Business Models
(Day 4 – Thursday, May 25th: 1300-1630h CEST, live online session via Zoom)
- Session 5: Sustainable Business Model Innovation
(Day 5 – Friday, May 26th: 1300-1630h CEST, live online session via Zoom)