#ENGAGEVoices: Marco Rupp, University of Mannheim
New year, new #hashtag. Please welcome #ENGAGEVoices where our great learners’ impressions will be shared.
We kick off with none other than the Chair of the Board of Learners at ENGAGE.EU – Marco Rupp. The Board of Learners consists of two learners per Partner University and advises the ENGAGE.EU Governance on every learners’ matter. It is composed not only by students but also Doctoral candidates, Alumni and Life-long-learners.
Here is Marco Rupp’s statement:
Being involved with ENGAGE since the very beginning, I love the experience of working with so many motivated and talented students, academics, staff members, Alumni and life-long-learners. The voices of us students and learners always need to be heard when building a prestigious institution like a European University. We are the recipients of these new Higher Education Opportunities and therefore are devoted to improving the experiences of all the learners of our partners. Possibilities are limitless.