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ENGAGE.EU Grant Desk

The ENGAGE.EU’s Grant Desk is a virtual knowledge and expertise centre that connects the grant support teams in our partner universities. We are working together in order to optimise the alliance’s acquisition and use of external funding.

The Grant Desk’s main tasks are to:

  • Connect and strengthen our support teams by sharing and building up expertise
  • Map, analyse, and categorise external funding schemes
  • Develop insights in the instruments and ways to use them
  • Communicate opportunities within the alliance and actively support applicants

In this page, you will find external funding opportunities for researchers interested in strengthening their connections with ENGAGE.EU partners. These can be, for instance, grants for organizing events and for research stays or fellowships abroad in one of the partner countries. This list will be updated whenever new opportunities come by.

Funding body and country where research will be conducted:

Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF), Bulgaria



 Aims of the Call:

–        To contribute to scientific advancement in the abovementioned countries by funding researchers’ mobility in the frame of joint research projects;

–        To contribute to research capacity development in the region;

–        To support the advancement of cross-border research cooperation;

–        To provide an opportunity for young/female researchers (as applicable) in the abovementioned countries to cooperate in an international setting and to develop their scientific careers;

–        To facilitate the joint participation in European research projects.

Eligible applicants:


Researchers at universities, universities of applied sciences and non-university research institutions in areas of basic research (minimum requirement Dr./PhD degree)

PhD/Doctoral students (Bachelor and Master graduates are not eligible for funding)


BULGARIA: Detailed eligibility conditions are available at the web site of BNSF:


CZECH REPUBLIC:  Researchers working at research organization in accordance with Art. 1.3 point. ee) Framework for State aid for research, development, and innovation (2014/C 198/01). Eligible research organisations are listed on this website: Minimum requirement for project members is a Master degree or equivalent.


FRANCE: Eligibility criteria applied by the French evaluators are available on the website of Campus France under the following link:


MONTENEGRO: Researchers from Montenegro, taking part in this Programme, should be employees of Montenegrin scientific research institution licensed in accordance with Law on Scientific-Research Activities (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 80, 40/11, 57/14), and/or employees of Montenegrin innovation activity entities, registered in accordance with Law on Innovation Activities (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 82/20) – to be proved by a confirmation issued by the relevant institution/entity.



Researchers from Serbia who apply for the project should be persons in teaching, scientific and research positions who are employed in institutions of higher education and scientific research organisations in accordance with the Law on Science and Research (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 49/19) and participate in the implementation of the Institutional Financing Program or other programs of general interest in accordance with the Law. List of accredited scientific research organisation:


“Young researcher” within the project team, means a person who meets the following conditions: has been selected for a research or scientific title or an equivalent title in higher education; obtained the PhD degree and has obtained a maximum of 10 years of research work, before the closing date of the Call and is employed in an accredited scientific research organisation.


SLOVAK REPUBLIC:  Any Slovak legal entity or Slovak natural person – an entrepreneur who holds valid certificate of competence to carry out research and development under § 26a sect. 11 or 12 of Act No. 172/2005 Coll. as amended.


Open to all scientific disciplines and thematic areas, including social sciences as well as humanities.

Budget and Costs covered:

The purpose of this call is to support the mobility of researchers among the participating countries to carry out joint research projects. In this regard, funding will be made available for visits and exchanges of scientists conducting joint research.

The sending state will cover the travel expenses as well as the accommodation costs and insurance of its own researchers.

In Austria in well-justified cases EUR 3,000.- per project may be applied for material and/or other costs.

In the Slovak Republic other costs associated with the project provided by the Agency in each financial year can be set at a minimum of EUR 100, while not exceeding 20% of the total project costs.

Funding Modalities

Funding will be available for a maximum of two years for collaborative research projects jointly developed and completed by researchers from a minimum of 3 participating countries.

Funding will be provided for activities within the scope of these guidelines only.


Number of participating countries

Maximum funding per project


EUR 12,000.- 


EUR 14,000.- 


EUR 16,000.- 

6 and more

EUR 18,000.- 

Eligible Costs:

·        Travel expenses: Travel costs (economy class) will be reimbursed based on submitted invoices. For travels up to seven hours bus and train shall be used.

·        Accommodation expenses: Researchers: EUR 100.- per working day for up to 14 days OR EUR 1,400.- per month for long-term stays between 14 days and 3 months maximum.                          PhD/Doctoral students: EUR 100.- per working day for up to 12 days OR EUR 1,250.- per month for long-term stays between 12 days and 3 months maximum.

·        Project related material costs: max. EUR 3000.- per project as part of the granted maximum budget based on submitted invoices.


Maximum funding for a project: – BGN 40,000.- (BGN 20,000.- per year)

The funding will be allocated as follows:

BGN 40,000, of which 60 % from the direct eligible cost are for mobility, and the rest funding is according to the specific rules of the BNSF for each project.

Detailed eligibility conditions are described in the GENERAL GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATION OF PROCEDURE “CALLS FOR PROJECTS IN PROGRAMS FOR BILATERAL COOPERATION” and the Appendix ‘Specific conditions’ for the International call for Multilateral scientific and technological cooperation in the Danube region, available at the web site of BNSF:


Number of participating countries

Maximum funding per project 


250 000 CZK (125 000 CZK per year)


300 000 CZK (150 000 CZK per year)

5 and more

350 000 CZK (175 000 CZK per year)

The funds can be calculated as follows:

·        Travel expenses (including the costs of health insurance): maximum 7 000 CZK/person – per trip for Czech researchers travelling to an abovementioned country.

·        Accommodation expenses (including food expenses according to the rules set by Ministry of Finance CR): Austria up to EUR 130.-, Bulgaria up to EUR 110,-, France up to EUR 150.-, Montenegro up to EUR 100,-, Serbia up to EUR 100.-, Slovakia up to EUR 110.-,  per person and per day for Czech researchers travelling to abovementioned countries for up to 14 days OR CZK 30 000.- per month for long-term visits between 15 days and 3 months maximum.


Number of participating countries

Maximum funding per project



EUR 10,000.-  (EUR 5,000.- per year)



EUR 12,500.-  (EUR 6,250.- per year)

5 and more

EUR 15,000.-  (EUR 7,500.- per year)

The funding will be allocated as follows:

·        Travel costs will be reimbursed for French researchers travelling to an above-mentioned country based on submitted invoices: maximum EUR 500.- per trip

·        Accommodation and food expenses: EUR 110.- flat rate per person and per day for French researchers travelling to an above-mentioned country



Number of participating countries

Maximum funding per project 


EUR 7,000.-  (EUR 3,500.- per year)


EUR 8,500.-  (EUR 4.250,- per year)

5 and more

EUR 10,000.- (EUR 5.000,- per year)

The funds can be allocated as follows:

·        Travel expenses, including the costs of Health Insurance, will be reimbursed for Montenegrin researchers travelling to an abovementioned country based on submitted invoices: maximum EUR 400.- per trip

·        Accommodation expenses: EUR 100.- per day for Montenegrin researchers travelling to an abovementioned country for up to 14 days or EUR 1,400.- per month for long-term visits between 15 days and 3 months maximum.


Number of participating countries

Maximum funding per project 


EUR 7,000.-  (EUR 3,500.- per year)


EUR 8,500.-  (EUR 4.250,- per year)

5 and more

EUR 9,000.-  (EUR 4.500,- per year)

The funds can be calculated as follows:

·        Travel expenses including the costs of Health Insurance will be reimbursed for Serbian researchers travelling to an abovementioned country based on submitted invoices: maximum EUR 400.- per trip

·        Accommodation expenses: EUR 100.- per day for Serbian researchers travelling to an abovementioned country for up to 14 days or EUR 1,400.- per month for long-term visits between 15 days and 3 months maximum.



Number of participating countries

Maximum funding per project 


EUR 10,000.-  (EUR 5,000.- per year)


EUR 12,500.-  (EUR 6,250.- per year)


EUR 15,000.-  (EUR 7,500.- per year)


6 and more

EUR 17,500.-  (EUR 8,750.- per year)


 The funds can be calculated as follows:

·        Travel expenses for Slovak researchers travelling on the territories of Slovakia and the participating partner countries, which are demonstrably related directly to the project.

·        Accommodation expenses: for Slovak researchers travelling on the territories of Slovakia and the participating partner countries, which are demonstrably related directly to the project.

·        Subsistence costs for Slovak researchers

·        Documented necessary extra costs for Slovak researchers (visa, conference fees, travel health insurance abroad, tolls/fees and parking fees demonstrably related to the business trip covered within the project solution, compulsory and recommended vaccination, etc.)

·        Other costs: minimum 100 EUR and maximum 30% from of the total project costs provided by the Agency in each financial year (material, services)

More details about Slovak national rules can be found in the consolidated version of the public call and their annex. 


The projects will be supported for a period of max. 2 years from July 2023 until June 2025

Deadline and Application procedure: [date/time, single or double stage application, interview]

Applications must be submitted before 16 January 2023. Applications received after this date will not be considered for funding.

Please note that the implementing agencies/ministries will not be held responsible for applications that were not received. Principal Investigators have to ensure that their research partners submit their applications in time.

Documents needed from host institution: [embedding guarantee, letter from supervisor]

It is up to the applicants to find suitable partners in participating partner countries. Proposals must be submitted to all responsible national funding bodies of the participating partners simultaneously. Proposals which have not been received by all participating partners will not be considered for funding. The call process is highly competitive therefore application does not guarantee funding.


Content: (in PDF format):

·        Brief academic CV for each Austrian project member

·        List of relevant publications of the last 2 years on the Austrian side

·        Project description including methodology (3 to 5 A4 pages)

·        Brief description of the partner institutions

·        Short description of the project tasks of ALL project members (Austrian and other participating countries)

·        Further cooperation perspective



The application must include the following documents:

·        Project Proposal (with project description including the methodology, description of the project tasks of all Czech project members; description of the partner institutions and further cooperation perspective) incl. Annex 1.

·        Brief academic CV for each Czech project member

·        List of relevant publications of the last 2 years

FRANCE: the application must be submitted online on the following website:


The electronic file must contain exactly the same application as the paper version enclosed.

The application must include the following:

·        Project description including the objectives and methodological part (3 to 5 A4 pages);

·        Brief academic CV for each Montenegrin project member;

·        List of relevant publications of the last 2 years;

·        Brief description of the partner institution

·        Short description of the project tasks of ALL project members

·        Expected project results and further cooperation perspective


The application must include the following information:

·        Project description including the objectives and methodological part (3 to 5 A4 pages)

·        Brief academic CV for each Serbian project member

·        List of relevant publications of the last 5 years

·        Brief description of the partner institution

·        Short description of the project tasks of ALL project members

·        Expected project results and further cooperation perspective


The application must include the following information:

·        Brief academic information for Slovak PI and list of other project members

·        List of relevant Slovak PI publications or important research results of the last 5 years

·        Project description including the methodological part (3 to 5 A4 pages)

·        Brief description of the partner institutions

·        Short description of the project tasks of ALL project members 

·        Further cooperation perspective

Language of application:

Call documents and Proposal templates are available in English, Bulgarian and all partners languages


AUSTRIA: Electronic application only [HERE].

BULGARIA: Proposals must be submitted online to the Management System of National Investments (NIMS) at the following address:

The forms and other information are available on (under the reference of the Call).

FRANCE: the application must be submitted online on the following website:

MONTENEGRO: the application for the research project must be submitted in both English and Montenegrin language, both in paper format and on a CD/DVD-Rom to the address below:

Ministry of Science and Technological Development

Department for International Cooperation

Rimski trg bb

81000 Podgorica

The electronic file must contain exactly the same application as the paper version enclosed.

REPUBLIC OF SERBIA: Application  must be submitted in English and Serbian language online at website:

SLOVAK REPUBLIC:  the entire application for the research and development support project must be submitted in Slovak and English online at until call deadline.

Attachment: [yes/no]

Yes, all templates of the proposal forms are published at:

Contact person at the host university:

In case the researchers from Danube Region has selected UNWE, the university Grant Desk could provide contacts with UNWE’s researchers with expertise in the given field.

Recurrence: [recurring opportunity (yearly, every x amount of months), one shot] 

Calls under the bilateral cooperation in the Danube Region are published annually.

Other relevant information: [How soon should a potential candidate contact the host?]

–        The researchers should contact the host as early as possible given the submission deadline.

–        Only applications forms submitted before deadline from Danube Region countries are eligible for funding.


Funding body and country where the activity will be conducted: Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF), Bulgaria

Objective: This call is intended for bilateral cooperation between Bulgaria and Austria in the form of mobility exchanges for researchers, PhD/Doctoral students and Postdocs. The programme for Scientific & Technological Cooperation (WTZ) is carried out in the frame of international agreements with selected partner countries with the aim to stimulate international research.

Eligible applicants:

Target group:

  • Researchers at universities, universities of applied sciences and non-university research institutions in areas of basic research (minimum requirement Dr./PhD degree)
  • PhD/Doctoral students (Bachelor and Master graduates are not eligible for funding)

Minimum requirement for the Austrian Principal Investigator: PhD/doctoral degree

Project applications submitted by early-stage researchers as well as project applications with involvement of PhD/doctoral students and/or female researchers will be prioritized.

Fields/Topics: Open to all scientific disciplines and thematic areas, including social sciences as well as humanities.

Budget and Costs covered:

Budget per project: EUR 20 451,68 for Bulgaria and EUR 8 000 for Austria (On the national level approximately 11 projects will be funded.)

Funding rates: 100 %

Funding mode: The basic funding of the cooperation project must be provided on both sides


Funding amount: max. EUR 8,000- per project

Eligible costs:

– Travel expenses: Travel costs (economy class) will be reimbursed based on submitted invoices. 

– Accommodation expenses:

– Researchers: EUR 100.- per working day for up to 14 days OR EUR 1,400- per month for long-term stays between 14 days and 3 months maximum 

– PhD/Doctoral students: EUR 100- per working day for up to 12 days OR EUR 1,250- per month for long-term stays between 12 days and 3 months maximum.

– Project related material costs: max. EUR 2000- as part of the granted maximum budget based on submitted invoices. 


The total sum up to 40 000 BGN per project can be applied for.

The costs for mobility can be calculated as follows:

– Travel expenses: for Bulgarian researchers travelling to Austria (actual cost of the trip in economy class)

– Accommodation expenses: EUR 100 per day for Austrian researchers travelling to Bulgaria for up to 14 days OR EUR 1,400 per month for long-term visits between 14 days and 3 months maximum

Project related material costs: max. EUR 2000- as part of the granted maximum budget based on submitted invoices.

Joint publications resulting from these cooperation projects have to mention the support from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Bulgarian National Science Fund.

Duration: 24 months

Deadline and Application procedure:

Applications must be submitted before 31 January 2023, 12:00 noon to be eligible for funding.

Single stage application

Documents needed: Application form, submitted by one German professor and one French professor, signed by the management of both universities

Language of application: Call documents and Proposal templates are available in both English and Bulgarian


For call information and documents:

For proposal submission Austria:

For proposal submission Bulgaria:

Contact person at the host university: In case the researchers from Austria has selected UNWE, the university Grant Desk could provide contacts with UNWE’s researchers with expertise in the given field.

Recurrence: [recurring opportunity (yearly, every x amount of months), one shot] 

Calls under the bilateral cooperation between Bulgaria and Austria are published annually.

Other relevant information:

–        The researchers should contact the host as early as possible given the submission deadline.

–        Only applications submitted in time in both countries are eligible for funding.

Funding body and country where the activity will be conducted: Franco-German University (FGU) and Germany and/or France

Objective: Encouraging the exchange of ideas and connecting junior researchers on a Franco-German and European level

Eligible applicants: Professors, in justified cases: postdocs

Fields/Topics: All disciplines

Budget and Costs covered: Total budget ranging from 2,000-15,000€; the grant may be used for part or all of the travel accommodation expenses, and in exceptional cases, for speaker’s honoraria. Additionally, expenses for student assistants involved in the organization of the event and communication/marketing costs associated with the event may also be covered by the grant. Travel and accommodation expenses of participants may also be covered, except for undergraduate participants. 

Duration: Duration may vary depending on the length of the event

3 funding rounds with different deadlines: 15th March 2022, 15th June 2022 or 15th October 2022, application form is to be submitted by email subject line: “Wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen”) to

Documents needed: Application form, submitted by one German professor and one French professor, signed by the management of both universities

Language of application: German and French

Weblink: Click here

Contact person at the host university:

Funding body and country where the activity will be conducted: Franco-German University (FGU) and Germany and/or France

Objective: Encouraging the exchange of ideas and connecting young researchers on a Franco-German and European level to better the access to health care in our connected but very different societies

Eligible applicants: The grant is aimed at professors of French and German universities, the participation of university of a third country is encouraged.

Fields/Topics: All disciplines

Budget and Costs covered: Total budget ranging from 2,000-15,000€; the grant may be used for part or all of the travel accommodation expenses, and in exceptional cases, for speaker’s honoraria. Additionally, expenses for student assistants involved in the organization of the event and communication/marketing costs associated with the event may also be covered by the grant. Travel and accommodation expenses of participants may also be covered, except for undergraduate participants. 

Duration: Duration may vary depending on the length of the event.

Deadline and Application procedure: 3 funding rounds with following deadlines: 15 March 2022, 15 June 2022 or 15 October 2022, application form is to be submitted by email subject line: “One Health”) to

Documents needed: Application form, submitted by one German professor and one French professor, signed by the management of both universities

Language of application: German and French

Weblink: Click here

Contact person at the host university:

Funding body and country where research will be conducted: FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Austria

Objective: ESPRIT aims to foster the career development of researchers from all disciplines by carrying out an independent research project as principal investigator at an Austrian research institute. The principal investigator will be supported in his/her skills and career development by a mentor.

The objectives of ESPRIT are:

–        to promote excellent, innovative research,

–        to retain, attract, and win back outstanding researchers and thus strengthen Austrian research institutes,

–        to support outstanding women researchers,

–        to promote career and skills development (develop/establish own research profile based on an independent research project),

to enhance career prospects (boost competitiveness through publications, collaborations, and increased visibility).

Eligible applicants: Highly qualified postdocs from all disciplines at the beginning of their academic career (doctoral degree awarded no more than five years prior to the time of application)

Fields/Topics: All disciplines

–        Budget and Costs covered: Principal investigator’s salary

–        Project-specific costs of €15,000 per year (lump sum) or up to a maximum of €25,000 per year (application must include a justification for the higher amount of funding)

Duration: 36 months (cannot be extended)

Deadline and Application procedure: No deadlines, on a rolling basis (single application)

Documents needed from host institution: In the case of approved ESPRIT projects, a declaration of support from the proposed mentor, including the original signature, must also be submitted to the FWF together with the funding agreement.

Language of application: English

Weblink: Click here 

Contact person at the host university: WU Research Service Center:

Recurrence: No deadlines, on a rolling basis

Funding body and country where research will be conducted: Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Austria (and partly abroad)

Objective: APART-GSK is a funding programme for excellent junior scholars in the humanities and the social and cultural sciences (GSK) in the first post-doc phase of their careers. The programme seeks to offer opportunities for extraordinary young researchers on the path to scholarly independence to acquire open-topic funding by themselves and with their own research ideas.
The aim is to support successful applicants in preparing their next important career step (“second book” or habilitation).

Eligible applicants: Applications are invited from post-docs from Austria and abroad up to a maximum of three years after receipt of their doctorate who can already demonstrate outstanding publications.

Fields/Topics: The humanities and the social and cultural sciences (GSK)

Budget and Costs covered: The level of funding (= personnel costs) amounts to EUR 70,000 gross/gross per annum.

Each year, additional funding amounting to a maximum of EUR 12,000 can be applied for in order to finance project-specific travel and materials expenses (e.g. publications in open access journals, coaching or personal development courses, etc.).

A subsidy of up to 2.000 Euros per annum is available for childcare.

Duration: 36 or 48 months

Deadline and Application procedure: Annual deadline, single stage application

–        Documents needed from host institution:

–        Confirmation of a workplace, i.e. confirmation of the possibility to use facilities and resources of the department or research institution if necessary for undertaking the research project

–        An (informal) invitation from the host institute if a stay abroad is planned as part of the fellowship

–        Demonstration of approval necessary for the research project (e.g. declaration of clearance by the Commission for Ethics)

Language of application: German, English

Weblink: Click here 

Contact person at the host university: WU Research Service Center:

Recurrence: Annual deadline

Funding body and country where research will be conducted: Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Austria (and partly abroad)

Objective: The Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities (JESH) programme is a mobility scheme offering substantial support for promising young scholars in all fields of research. JESH offers an incoming programme for researchers from 55 different focus countries as well as an outgoing programme for Austrian researchers.

Eligible applicants: Candidates who completed their doctorate/PhD studies no more than 10 years ago and are affiliated with a university or non-university research institution in one of the focus countries (JESH Incoming) or Austria (JESH Outgoing).

Fields/Topics: All fields of research

Budget and Costs covered: JESH covers travel and accommodation expenses for a research stay of at least 1 month and a maximum of 6 months. Other project-related expenses or overheads are not covered.

Accommodation expenses are paid at a flat rate of EUR 2,700 per month.

Duration: 1-6  months

Deadline and Application procedure: Annual deadline, single stage application

Documents needed from host institution: Statement by the host institution including an outline of the proposed cooperation, an assessment of the pre-existing contacts with the applicant, the reason for the invitation, and the potential long-term effects and impact in the respective focus country.

Language of application: English

Weblink: Click here 

Contact person at the host university: WU Research Service Center:

Recurrence: Annual deadline

Funding body and country where research will be conducted: Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Austria

Objective: Promoting basic research projects aimed at advancing the state of research on central banking topics, with a special emphasis on selected focus areas

Eligible applicants: PostDocs

Fields/Topics: Central banking topics, with a special emphasis on selected focus areas

Budget and Costs covered: Total funding for project proposals submitted to the OeNB Anniversary Fund is limited to EUR 250,000. The minimum funding amount is EUR 50,000.

Costs covered: personnel costs, material costs, travel costs, equipment costs, costs for external project work (commissioning of third parties), costs for project website, print and publication costs, costs for presentation of project results

Duration: Max. 4 years

Deadline and Application procedure: 23 March 2022 at 12.00 pm CEST

two deadlines/year (single application)

Documents needed from host institution: As a sign of the research institution’s agreement, a project data sheet must be signed by an authorized representative of the research institution (only at project start)

Language of application: German, English

Weblink: Click here

Contact person at the host university: WU Research Service Center:

Recurrence: Two deadlines/year

Funding body and country where research will be conducted: FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Austria

Objective: Researchers should be given the long-term and extensive financial security to plan their research and either build up or consolidate their own research groups thereby qualifying themselves for a leading position in the academic system (especially as university professors within Austria or abroad). 

Eligible applicants: Outstanding young researchers of any discipline with two or more years research experience as Postdoc.

Fields/Topics: All disciplines

Budget and Costs covered: Minimum €800.000 up to maximum €1.2 Mio.

Costs covered: Personnel costs (also grant salary for principal investigator), equipment costs, material costs, travel costs, costs as part of national and international cooperation arrangements, Independent contracts for work and services, open access costs

Duration: 6 years, an interim review after 3 years decides on continuation

Deadline and Application procedure: 20 September 2022 at 14.00 pm CEST

Annual deadline (single application), interview

Documents needed from host institution: A letter of recommendation from the head or the group leader of the research institute, where the project will be hosted.

Language of application: English

Weblink: Click here

Contact person at the host university: WU Research Service Center:

Recurrence: Annual deadline

If you are interested in other types of opportunities, such as funding for consortia formed with ENGAGE.EU partner universities, please contact us via the form at the bottom of this page. You are very welcome to contact the ENGAGE.EU’s Grant Desk for more information, or to contribute suggestions or ideas.

ENGAGE.EU Grant Desk team:

Catarina Guzzo Falci, Tilburg University (coordinator)

Rossitza Velinova, UNWE

Ina Jaschinski, WU

Isabell Ludewig, Mannheim University

Clémence Leduc, Université Toulouse

Giovanni Vassallo, Luiss

Astrid Foldal, NHH

You are very welcome to contact ENGAGE.EU’s Grant Desk via our contact form below for more information, to contribute suggestions or ideas, or to actively explore funding opportunities.