ENGAGE.EU Research Label
The ENGAGE.EU Research Label aims to encourage ENGAGE.EU scientific collaborations and foster new opportunities to develop initiatives across the alliance. Senior researchers and early-stage researchers, including PhD students, are encouraged to participate in this call.
The research label funds smaller scale, limited in time, bottom-up initiatives, to facilitate the initiation of potential long-term collaborative activities within the alliance. This contributes to the fulfilment of the ENGAGE.EU’s vision and mission, with a focus on supporting early-stage researchers.
To be eligible, applications must:
- connect at least three partner universities of the alliance but we strongly encourage involving four or more ENGAGE.EU partners
- be related to at least one societal challenge (SDG – 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals)
- not already receive Horizon Europe or Erasmus + funding for this specific Initiative (i.e., no double EU funding of activities); also the ENGAGE.EU research label cannot fund/support any initiatives aiming at applying for EU funding either.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Will an online info session be organised?
An information session for the first edition of the ENGAGE.EU Research Label was held on 14 May 2024, a video recording of which can be viewed below as well as the presentated slides HERE.
- How can I find initiative partners in other ENGAGE.EU universities?
You can search for potential partners on the ENGAGE.EU Research Community Platform, and you can also contact your ENGAGE.EU local contact point who will assist you in identifying and connecting with suitable partners.
- Can we involve researchers from outside the alliance to participate in the call?
Yes, you can. However, any partner outside the alliance involved in your initiative will not benefit from ENGAGE.EU research label funding.
- How detailed should the provisional budget be?
Listing all costs associated with the budget’s activities is crucial. However, the provisional budget should not be automatically set to the maximum amount. Please note that the compliance of the expenses will be checked by the applicant’s home university, and not by the ENGAGE.EU research label team.
ENGAGE.EU Local Contact Points
Each applicant can contact his/her local university’s ENGAGE.EU team member for questions specifically related to his/her institution and this call:
Hanken School of Economics: Dr. Sirpa Aalto, sirpa.aalto@hanken.fi
Luiss University: Aurora Alegiani: aalegiani@luiss.it
NHH Norwegian School of Economics: Dr. Heather Arghandeh Paudler, heather.argandeh.paudler@nhh.no
Tilburg University: Rianne Strijker, r.strijker@tilburguniversity.edu
University of Mannheim: Sati Cakar, sati.cakar@uni-mannheim.de
University of National and World Economy: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hristina Harizanova-Bartos, hharizanova@unwe.bg
Ramon Llull University: Ana Caellas Camprubi, acaellas@rectorat.url.edu
UT Capitole: Myriam Greusard, myriam.greusard@ut-capitole.fr
WU Vienna: Rina Gjana, rina.gjana@wu.ac.at
Past Calls
You can browse the first call for the ENGAGE.EU Research Label (2024) HERE