The first ENGAGE.EU Think Tank is now under way

It is a landmark moment in the history of ENGAGE.EU: The first Think Tank was officially opened today by Prof. Dr. Thomas Fetzer, coordinator of the alliance. 16 participants have come together at the University of Mannheim and will spend the next week discussing the topic of Digitalisation in colloquia and expert talks.
He said: “I feel honoured to welcome you at this first Think Tank, because it is one of the signature initiatives of ENGAGE.EU. Meeting in person here in Mannheim is crucial for the success of this event: We came together to exchange in conversations and to discuss topics. I really hope, that in ten years from now, people will say that this was the starting point of a great element of ENGAGE.EU. Those 16 participants, they provided the fundament for ENGAGE.EU Research and Innovation, for the next generation of Learners and providing some solutions to the problems society is facing right now.” Thomas Fetzer added:
„Digitalisation“ is far more than just a technical term, it is transforming societies and changing our everyday lives. The challenge is that digitalisation is ubiquitous, it is happening at the same time in almost all areas of life. We should see this as a great chance for ENGAGE.EU, for all of us to make a contribution. Digitalisation is not happening within an ivory tower, it takes place everywhere. And that is why it is important to interact with each other, with people from companies and from society. To make a substantial contribution, we need to interact, and that’s what the Think Tank is all about.