ENGAGE.EU Joint Programme in Digital Transformation
Prepare yourself for a digital future
The world is changing fast. The Joint Programme in Digital Transformation equips you with the latest technology skills and knowledge to understand data, leverage digital disruption, create societal impact, prepare yourself for a digital future that is happening now, and become a digital change maker.
In this programme, you will have the opportunity to work with some of the largest tech and digital companies in innovative case studies and workshops. As a culmination, the programme ends with an in-person summer seminar at one of the seven partner universities, where you will meet your cohort, practically apply your knowledge from the courses, and expand your network.
Programme Overview & Structure
- Degree: Add-on certificate in masters level (honours programme)
- Standard period of study: 1 semester
- ECTS credits: There will be awarded 6 ECTS for each virtual course plus 6 ECTS for the in-person summer seminar, which makes 24 ECTS in total.
- Language of instruction: English
- Programme timeline: Application in Fall Semester, Kick off and Courses in Spring Semester from February to June + Summer Seminar in July
- Universities: University of Mannheim, Luiss University, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Tilburg University, University of National and World Economy, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Ramon Llull University
The Joint Programme in Digital Transformation addresses the world’s greatest digital transformations, technologies and solutions, offering students the opportunity to enhance their skills and prepare for a digital future through cutting-edge courses.
As a student enrolled in the Joint Programme in Digital Transformation, you can design your studies individually and flexibly in accordance with your ideas and preferences. You can choose three out of seven courses offered by the various partner institutions of ENGAGE.EU: Platform Strategies, Digital Strategy, Competing in the Age of AI, Digital Technologies, Leading in the Digital Age, Cultural and Behavioural Changes, Digital Ethics. All courses are taught as virtual block courses over two weekends.
The Joint Programme in Digital Transformation is topped off by a mandatory in-person summer seminar taking place at the University of Mannheim in Summer 2024.
- The programme will be launched in fall 2023 with an information and marketing campaign, followed by live in-depth information session at each university. The application and selection period will be during the Fall semester 2023.
- Each course will be delivered in a ‚block‘ format on Fridays and/or Saturdays. As a student in the joint programme, you choose three out of the seven courses to suit your interests as well as to complement rather than duplicate topics that might be included in your own master’s courses.
- The virtual block courses of the Joint Programme are offered by the participating institutions.
- Within each block course, group work and discussions will be organised in multi-competence teams to make good use of the broad range of backgrounds that students come from. The examination format can be defined flexibly to cater for specific requirements, e.g. online exam, team/individual essay, or team presentation, etc.
- The programme will culminate in a mandatory physical summer seminar meeting in July for all students taking part in the certificate programme. During the seminar, you will get the opportunity to put your acquired knowledge into practice with digital transformation company case studies. At the end of the seminar, you will be awarded with a certificate and with a transcript for the individual courses.
- As the programme is an independent, add-on certificate there is no automatic recognition of grades into your degree. A recognition might still be possible at the discretion of home universities for individual cases – please check with your home university.
There is no registration fee for the Joint Programme and no tuition fee payable for the virtual block courses. For the one-week obligatory Summer Seminar, students will come together in Mannheim and will incur travel, accommodation and subsistence costs. There will be scholarship programmes available to support students to cover (at least part of) the Summer Seminar expenses. These scholarships are offered to students by their home university and may differ from partner to partner. Please contact your local ENGAGE Office or local International Office for further information about funding options.
Virtual Information Session
The information session was held on 27.09.2023.
You can download the presentation HERE.
You can watch a recording of the info session below:
Course Catalogue
- Teaching institution: NHH Norwegian School of Economics
- Lecturer: Karen Stendal
- Date: 23-24 Feb and 12-13 Apr 2024
- Course abstract:
Digital transformation implies an extensive organizational change driven and ena-bled by digital technologies. This could involve changes to the organization’s busi-ness processes, business model, or even a new organizational identity. Such organ-izational change affects employees in different ways and prompts changes to both leadership approaches and leadership roles, which we address in this module.
The course consists of four main overarching topics:
1. Digital concepts and technologies
2. Digital trends
3. the Digital leader
4. the Digital organization
The first day, we will uncover what we mean by phenomena such as digitization, digitalization, digital innovation, and digital transformation. We will discuss charac-teristics of digital technology and look at different examples and cases of how digital technologies could affect the way business is conducted.
The second day, we will look at different “digital” trends, e.g., trends that drive changes in business models and are enabled by digital technologies, such as digi-tal platform ecosystems, sharing economy, and sustainability.
The third day, we will discuss what it implies to be a “digital leader”, including leader attributes and new leader roles, as well as topics related to the responsibilities of the digital leader, such as developing a digital strategy and ensuring the organization’s digital maturity.
The fourth day, we look at how digital transformation changes work design and leadership and discuss how employees might be affected in terms of competency requirements and digital technology adoption.
- Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to…
- …call out relevant and recent research on digital transformation.
- …name emerging digital technologies and digital technology-enabled trends.
- …analyse how emerging digital technologies and digital technology-enabled trends might enable organisational change.
- …illustrate how digital transformation might affect employees in the organization.
- …illustrate how managers might support the employees during and after the digital transformation process.
- …analyse an organisation’s current digital maturity.
- …recommend measures leaders can take to increase the digital maturity.
- …name important leader attributes and leader roles are important for managing in a digital age.
- Teaching institution: University of Mannheim
- Lecturer: Maximilian Beichert
- Date: 26-27. Apr and 3-4 May 2024
- Course abstract:
Digital transformation is a multidimensional concept with many shifting parts. Successful digital transformation requires a new approach to leveraging people, processes, technologies, and data to develop new business models and digital ecosystems. Customers are now customer networks, they expect more from companies and brands, and information reaches them faster than ever before. At the same time, companies must develop new business model innovations and disrupt markets. Examples of digital disruption include platforms, AI, and blockchain technology. The rise of digital technologies has fundamentally changed the way companies develop digital strategies. In addition, data is being used as a strategic asset by many companies, and companies also need to develop a thriving data strategy. Business leaders and executives must be equipped with a broad range of digital skills to succeed in a rapidly changing digital environment.
The ultimate goal of this course is to provide insight into the digital strategies that companies and managers must employ as part of the digital transformation journey to position themselves for success.
- Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to…
- …define artificial intelligence, big data analytics, internet of things, augment-ed reality, and the strategic use of social media
- …describe digital transformation processes
- …formulate a digital transformation strategy
- …name the most recent research in the field of digital governance and risk management
- …apply analytical techniques for the assessment of digital organizations
- …list the fundamentals of managing change
- …assess digital organizations
- …rate priorities and risks of a company’s digital transformation
- …select and employ agile principles
- …transform organisational culture
- Teaching institution: WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Martin Kornberger
- Date: 2-3 Feb and 7-8 Jun 2024
- Course abstract:
Digital Ethics reflects on and intervenes in the zone where technological innovation, economic organization and moral responsibility overlap. At the interface between these domains emerge new questions, challenges and dilemmas of ethics: how does decision making change when AI-powered ma-chines frame and structure the decision-making process? Who is accountable for actions when technology mediates decisions and enhances capacity to act such as in drone warfare? In how far are digitally mediated platform organizations responsible for actions of its users? How do trust and transparency ensure or undermine the legitimacy of digitalization? And how do we negotiate boundaries between surveillance and freedom in data-driven public and private systems? In this course we will focus on these concerns through (1) developing a vocabulary that allows to articulate challenges and dilemmas and through (2) enhancing our repertoire to act on these challenges and dilemmas. The course acts as bridge between ethics, technology and economy, providing tools for thinking about and working with digital ethics.
- Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to…
- …apply key ethical theories and foundations of ethics in philosophy.
- …apply ethics in digital spheres.
- …name moral principles and associated values to be respected in the development, implementation and use of AI systems and other new technologies.
- …list vocabulary to articulate challenges and dilemmas.
- …manage challenges and dilemmas.
- …practice ethics digitally in companies.
- …describe decision-making in the digital world.
- …interpret the regulations about data collection and usage.
- …formulate ethical questions with regard to data collection and new digital technologies.
- …interpret platform pricing decisions.
- …analyze pricing and design strategies employed by platforms and the rationale behind them.
- Teaching institution: Tilburg University
- Lecturer: Dr. Shiva Shekhar
- Date: 26-27 Jan and 9-10 Feb 2024
- Course abstract:
The course introduces the multi-sided platform business model and the importance of platform orchestration and governance strategies. It provides insights on the best practices to successfully interact with existing platforms and optimize the symbiotic relationship, and finally discusses evolution of new technologies into potential platforms. Students will have an opportunity to apply concepts from platform economics and organization using game theoretical tools and case studies to real world problems.
Throughout the course, participants will engage in discussions, case studies, and interactive sessions to reinforce their understanding of digital platforms and how they shape the modern business landscape. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of digital platforms and make informed strategic decisions in this rapidly evolving digital age.
- Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to…
- …name the most important concepts in digital platforms.
- …illustrate the basic principles on network effects in multi-sided platform markets and types of platforms.
- … explain how platforms are designed and how platforms orchestrate interactions between multiple sides and, thereby, create value.
- … identify the different types of platforms.
- …apply the insights from theories in platform markets to platforms in the real world.
- …interpret platform pricing decisions.
- …analyze pricing and design strategies employed by platforms and the rationale behind them.
- Teaching institution: University of National and World Economy
- Lecturer: Dr. Sabrina Kalinkova
- Date: 5-6 Apr and 17-18 May 2024
- Course abstract:
This course is designed for students in master degree and helps them to understand, communicate, and adapt to a digital world as it impacts their personal life, society, and the business world. Students will not only understand the concepts but apply their knowledge to situations and de-fend their actions/decisions/choices through the knowledge and skills acquired in this course.
Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to demonstrate the skills required by business and industry. Various forms of technologies will be highlighted to expose students to the emerging technologies impacting the digital world. Professional communication skills and practices, problem-solving, ethical and legal issues, and the im-pact of effective presentation skills are taught in this course as a foundational knowledge to pre-pare students to be career ready.
- Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to…
- …name important components for management in the digital era
- …demonstrate the logic and methodology in the management in the digital era
- …apply digital technologies and data sources in practice
- …assess different sources of data, including the specific of Big Data
- …describe FinTech and Blockchain
- …illustrate the importance of mobile devices
- Teaching institution: Université Toulouse Capitole
- Lecturer: Dr. Jamal Azzam and Dr. Nicola Mirc
- Date: 15-16 Mar and 22-23 Mar 2024
- Course abstract:
The aim of this course of to introduce students to the challenges of corporate growth in modern digital economies, in particular with regard to accessing and developing digital as-sets and intellectual property. The course is organized in two parts. A first part focuses on the recent developments of the strategic management of patents in modern digital econo-mies. Participants will discover the emergence and the role of the patent system in modern economies and how technological companies try to protect their innovations and to use their patent portfolios in service of their business strategies in a digital era. It covers internal strategies and ways to organize for managing patent and licensing strategies as well as pa-tenting in collaborative arrangements. A second part addresses then more specifically ex-ternal growth strategies to access patents but also more generally digital solutions and as-sets. It addresses in particular the strong increase in technology acquisitions and alliances in past years and introduces students to the particular strategic and organizational challenges that external digital growth induces (i.e. integrating and leveraging acquired intellectual property, transferring knowledge between companies and teams of engineers, implement-ing co-innovative practices between R&D departments from merging companies, etc.).
The course provides students with the relevant knowledge and perspectives to understand the management of intellectual property and growth strategies implemented by firms in modern digital economies. First, the course provides students with a managerial and strate-gic vision of patents, to raise awareness and inform decision-making in this area. Second, students will learn about managerial and strategic challenges of acquiring patents and digi-tal assets in general and how to address them. After this course, students will understand challenges associated with digital growth and intellectual property and are able to develop strategies to deal with such challenges.
- Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to…
- …name the recent developments of the strategic management of patents in modern digital economies.
- …list patenting and licensing strategies.
- …illustrate the emergence and the role of the patent system in modern economies.
- …describe options to protect company’s innovations.
- …recommend decisions for patent portfolios with regard to a company’s business strategy in the digital era.
- Teaching institution: Luiss University
- Lecturer: Giorgio Piccardo
- Date: 1-2 Mar and 8-9 Mar 2024
- Course abstract:
Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adapt to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars – heavily rely on deep learning and natural language processing. Using these technologies, computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data. The aim of the course is to introduce the most important topics and current challenges both from a technological and a business point of view. Indeed, artificial intelligence has transformed the way people think, learn, and work in various areas, with every company seeking to introduce Artificial Intelligence in their domain. Studying AI and Machine Learning opens up a world of opportunities to create cutting-edge technologies in diverse sectors.
- Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to…
- …describe Artificial Intelligent systems and techniques
- …explain the impact of Artificial Intelligence in business, leadership, and future jobs
- …illustrate how to avoid data science traps
- …define the blockchain technology
- …judge a company’s ability to implement AI and blockchain
- Hosting institution: University of Mannheim
- Date: 1-5 July 2024 (participants need to arrive in Mannheim on Sunday, 30 June 2024)
- Content:
The summer seminar takes the content taught in courses throughout the semester, combines it, and takes it to the next level through real-world case studies with our international corporate partner SAP. SAP is one of the largest enterprise software companies in the world, helping companies of all sizes and industries run better. Together as a cohort, you will spend exciting days at the SAP AppHaus applying design thinking techniques to solve exciting digital cases. This will allow you to directly apply what you have learned and gain valuable insights into the practice of the respective business area. In addition, a great social program awaits you and you get to know the area around Mannheim and the metropolitan region.
Corporate Partners
SAP’s mission is to help every business run as an intelligent, sustainable enterprise. As a market leader in enterprise application software, we help companies of all sizes and in all industries run at their best: SAP customers generate 87% of total global commerce. Our machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced analytics technologies help turn customers’ businesses into intelligent enterprises. SAP helps give people and organizations deep business insight and fosters collaboration that helps them stay ahead of their competition. We simplify technology for companies so they can consume our software the way they want – without disruption. Our end-to-end suite of applications and services enables business and public customers across 25 industries globally to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and make a difference. With a global network of customers, partners, employees, and thought leaders, SAP helps the world run better and improve people’s lives.
ISTARI.AI is an Artificial Intelligence company that provides real-time market insights with webAI. By using the webAI platform, our clients receive reliable information on all companies in Europe and North America regarding their level of innovation, sustainability commitments or use of technologies such as blockchain, 3D printing and artificial intelligence.
The PHOENIX group, headquartered in Mannheim, Germany, is the European leader in pharmaceutical wholesale, pharmacy retail, and services for the pharmaceutical industry. With a presence in 29 healthcare markets, the company offers unique geographical coverage throughout Europe, making a vital contribution to comprehensive healthcare with more than 48,000 employees.
The PHOENIX group operates in pharmaceutical wholesale with 224 sites across 29 countries, supplying medicines to pharmacies, doctors, and medical institutions. They provide additional products and services to pharmacy customers, including patient advice and goods management systems. About 17,000 pharmacies in 18 countries are part of their partnership programs. The company offers Healthcare Logistics and services along the pharmaceutical supply chain. They run 3,200+ pharmacies in 17 European countries, serving around 185 million patients annually.
For around 160,000 people, Heidelberg is their center of life. Heidelberg’s citizens appreciate not only the world-famous beauty and scenic location of the Neckar city in the middle of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, but above all its quality of life. Heidelberg is a city of science and culture. It is particularly attractive for families, students, creative people and entrepreneurs from business, science and research.
secida designs secure digitalization.
We are a consultancy for cybersecurity and digital transformation and are passionate about supporting primarily medium-sized companies in the design and implementation of their projects. Manufacturing companies with Microsoft-based IT infrastructure are our focus.
FUCHS SE is the world’s largest independent manufacturer of lubricants and functional fluids. The Mannheim-based company is listed on the MDAX and employs 6200 people at 55 locations worldwide.
Required Interests and Skills: Your Profile
- The ENGAGE.EU Joint Programme in Digital Transformation is targeted towards students of any citizenship who are enrolled in a master’s programme at an ENGAGE.EU alliance university (University of Mannheim, Luiss University, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Tilburg University, University of National and World Economy, Université Toulouse Capitole, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Universitat Ramon Llull).
- There are no prerequisites for this interdisciplinary programme, and students from diverse backgrounds (such as business, economics, law, social sciences) are encouraged to apply, as long as they have a significant interest in:
- Exploring digital transformation as a major driver of societal change in Europe
- Analysing the impact of this transformation in the areas of business, law, and political society
- Gaining new skills and tools pertinent the digital paradigm shift
- Developing solution approaches for complex issues arising from digital transformation.
- To apply for the ENGAGE.EU Joint Programme in Digital Transformation, applicants must provide the following documents (all in English):
- A presentation file (PowerPoint or similar) explaining what you see as the central challenges in digital transformation facing society today. The file should contain 10 slides. It should focus on coherent and relevant argumentation of the topic, be innovative and informative, and put across your personal motivation.
- Academic record (transcript of records incl. list of courses; first year master’s students should upload their bachelor’s transcript)
- Curriculum vitae (education, work experience, language skills, study/work abroad, other relevant skills and experiences with regards to digital transformation)
- You will need to select and prioritise four courses out of the seven on offer – three courses in order of priority plus one additional replacement course. We will aim to assign you to your top three priorities but require a fourth choice to have some flexibility to balance numbers per course. In the end, every student will be allocated to three courses.
- When choosing the courses, remember to decide not only based on the course content, but also on your availability on the course dates. You must take part in all course dates (weekends) of the course you choose.
- The Summer Seminar is an in-person, week-long event that all students taking part in the programme will attend, so ensure that you are available during these dates.
Scholarship options for funding the travel expanses might be available from your home university – please enquire with your local ENGAGE representatives.
Selection and Application Form
- Selection:
Submitted applications are evaluated by a selection committee made up of academic and administrative staff from the ENGAGE.EU partner universities. Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their presentation on digital challenges, their academic record and their CV. In order to ensure equal participation among students from the different partner universities, the selection committee will aim at choosing a maximum of six students from each partner university. Final decisions also consider a range of criteria for cohort composition, including but not limited to disciplinary balance, institutional diversity, and demographic diversity.
- How to apply:
The application period for intake 2023/24 is now closed. Please check this website again in summer/early autumn 2024 for information on the next cohort application phase and deadline.
Kathrin Blitzke
Team Coordinator Study Abroad | Project ENGAGED Learning
Working from home every Monday and Friday as well as Thursday in odd calendar weeks; available only via E-Mail on these days.
University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
International Office
L 1, 1 – Room 107
68161 Mannheim
E-mail: kathrin.blitzke@uni-mannheim.de
Victoria Meil, M.Sc.
Chair of Quantitative Marketing and Consumer Analytics
University of Mannheim
Mannheim Business School
L 5, 2
68161 Mannheim
E-mail: victoria.meil@uni-mannheim.de
Selina Hoffmann, M.Sc.
Project coordinator InnoMA | ENGAGE.EU Joint Programme
University of Mannheim
Teaching and Learning Center
68161 Mannheim
E-mail: selina.hoffmann@uni-mannheim.de