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The ENGAGE.EU Alliance has grown – welcome aboard, Hanken School of Economics and Ramon Llull University!

The ENGAGE.EU Alliance is now expanded – today during the Sofia Conference at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) the new partners – Hanken School of Economics from Finland and Ramon Llull University from Spain officially signed their joining.

The contract was signed by prof. Thomas Puhl from the University of Mannheim representing the Alliance, Prof. Sören Kock – Rector of Hanken School of Economics and Prof. Josep Maria Garrell Guiu – Rector of Ramon Llull University.

The Expansion event featured many distinguished participants – Ms Mariya Gabriel, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, who delivered a keynote speech on the topic of “Universities’ Role in Green and Digital Transitions”.

The guests and partners were welcomed by the Rector of the University of National Economy prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, Prof. Thomas Puhl, and the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria Acad. Nikolai Denkov. The panel was moderated by Michael Musov, ENGAGE.EU local coordinator and UNWE vice-rector for research and international affairs.

Here is a full recording of the live stream of ENGAGE.EU’s Expansion event:

Hanken School of Economics is one of the oldest business schools in the Nordics, founded in 1909. The School is an internationally accredited (EQUIS, AMBA, AACSB), research-based business school, located in Helsinki and Vaasa. Hanken has some 2.400 students and it offers study programs on all academic levels: Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral. Hanken is famous for its good spirit and networks, and the barriers between students, faculty, alumni and the business community are low. The university maintains close links with the corporate world and promotes social responsibility in all its functions. Hanken – Nordic brilliance in the happiest country of the world.

Ramon Llull University (URL), located in Barcelona, is a private non-for-profit university comprised of nine prestigious higher education and research institutions and one affiliated center. URL develops its public service project through higher education, research and transfer from social initiative. URL is a comprehensive university that offers bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, doctoral and postgraduate studies in many areas of knowledge. Research is a priority at Ramon Llull University because it encourages the expansion of knowledge and the university’s educational capacity. URL has a strong global orientation recruiting professors, researchers, administrative staff and students from all over the world, and by promoting collaboration with many international universities and stakeholders. Ramon Llull University encourages cooperation and volunteerism through classes and programs taught at its schools as well as through professional internships that its university community, and above all, students can carry out in several development cooperation projects in Latin America, Asia and Africa.