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“Sustainable Business Models and Managing Societal Transition” Course

This course focuses on the issues of sustainability and sustainable development from both a business (micro-level) as well as societal (macro-level) perspective. The overall aim of this program is to enable practitioners to develop innovative and feasible solutions to resolve grand societal challenges and to make a difference in their organizations and the societies they are living in. This innovative executive education program combines the individual educational strengths of ENGAGE.EU partners Université Toulouse 1 Capitole and NHH Norwegian School of Economics in one integrated educational experience with a unique focus on the issues of sustainability and sustainable development. The course is a part of the new Work-integrated Learning program developed by the ENGAGE.EU university alliance.

Practical information

  • Start: Module 1 from May 9 to May 12 2023 on “Managing Societal Transition” and Module 2 from May 22 to May 26 2023 on “Developing Sustainable Business Models” (five half-days of teaching each, delivered online in synchronous and asynchronous teaching session); Module 3 (The Bootcamp) from June 7 to June 9 2023 (three days in-person event in Toulouse)
  • Application deadline: 17 April 2023
  • Price: 500 Euro

Should participants not wish to receive or transfer the 7.5 ECTS to other programs, they have the possibility to opt-out of the final examination. In this case, participants get a full certificate, but no ECTS will be awarded.

Full course information, documents, programme, contacts and application information are available at the partners’ websites – Toulouse 1 Capitole and NHH Norwegian School of Economics 

Program Flyer

The main goals of the program are:

  • To provide participants with macro-level insights on the connection between sustainability and sustainable development and societal transition,
  • To equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to innovate existing business models towards greater sustainability and/or to develop new sustainable business models,
  • To facilitate the practical application of these insights, knowledge, and skills through an intensive bootcamp-workshop, where participants collaboratively work on an innovative solution for a concrete societal challenge.

To achieve these goals, the programme is structured in three modules of equal weighting. The first two input modules provide participants with the relevant insights, knowledge, and skills for addressing and tackling grand societal challenges from both a macro-level (“Managing Societal Transition”, delivered by Université Toulouse 1 Capitole) as well as a micro-level (“Sustainable Business Models”, delivered by NHH Norwegian School of Economics) of perspective. The third application-oriented module is an intensive workshop taking place in Toulouse. In this module (“The Bootcamp”) participants work in international and interdisciplinary teams to apply their learnings from the input modules to develop a feasible solution for a real-life societal challenge sponsored by ENGAGE.EU stakeholders.

Target group
The program is targeted towards practitioners from contexts facing sustainability and innovation challenges, such as industry clusters, social entrepreneurs, managers in the private, public, and voluntary sectors, analysts, consultants, advisors, and board members.

Duration, scope, and level of the program
The scope of the program is equivalent to 7.5 ECTS at a master’s degree level. The overall duration of the program is 8 full days. This includes 5 days of lectures (delivered online in synchronous and asynchronous teaching sessions) organized in 10 half-day sessions that are equally split between the two input modules on “Managing Social Transition” and “Sustainable Business Modules”. The input-oriented phase is complemented by 3 full days of an application-oriented workshop taking place as an in-person event in Toulouse.

Educational model
The program will be taught in a combination of online (synchronous and asynchronous) lectures, group work and presentation sessions; the bootcamp will take place as an in-person intensive workshop in Toulouse, guided by experienced lab coordinators from the local ENGAGE.EU Lab. In addition to the academic lecturers, external speakers will be included to contribute practical insights and first-hand experiences in guest lectures. The number of participants will be limited to 24.