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The ENGAGE.EU 2nd anniversary conference in Tilburg – a photo recap

The ENGAGE.EU second annual conference took place last week in Tilburg, the Netherlands. During three days of the event the participants from all partner universities were part of work panels and discussions dedicated to the activities and opportunities of the Alliance for learners, academics, administrative staff, and all stakeholders.

The participants also had a chance to get to know their colleagues and explore the hosting city of Tilburg. Here is a brief photo recap of the activities that took place during the successful annual conference:

The tour through de Spoorzone district of Tilburg, directly behind the railway station. This modern urban district is a breeding ground for innovation and entrepreneurship and it illustrates the connection between the region and the university.
Lambert van Nistelrooij, former member of the European Parliament addressed the importance of connections with regional policies to increase the impact of education and innovation.
Founder and COO of Building Blocks Merwin de Jongh is a successful entrepreneur. He emphasized that in a world that’s quickly changing universities should not teach skills, but educate the ability to learn. “From theory on society to impact in society.”


Tilburg’s King Willem II was a real European king. For the ENGAGE.EU conference, he rises from his grave to tell us about the benefits of continentalism. In his eyes, it is the only answer to nationalism and the decline of European values.

Work session in the portrait’s hall
Tour in the Town Hall
Town Hall Tilburg at night
Tilburg’s rector magnificus Wim van den Donk and the mayor of Tilburg, Theo Weterings

Speech of Wim van den Donk and an informal dinner.