Ceremonial Handover of the President’s Office at the University of Mannheim

Professor Dr. Thomas Fetzer accepted the Chain of Office from Prof. Dr. Thomas Puhl as the new President of the University of Mannheim. Among the numerous guests was Prof. Dr. Yanko Hristozov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs at the University of National and World Economy, who had travelled from Sofia for the ceremony.
After a brief welcome by the acting President, Petra Olschowski, Minister of Science, Research and the Arts of the Land Baden-Württemberg, bid farewell to President Professor Dr. Thomas Puhl with a ceremonial speech: “Professor Puhl’s term of office has been characterized by his eye for the essential features of his university, the needs of the students, and excellent research. He led his university through difficult times with a calm and successful leadership style,” said Olschowski.
Puhl left his successor Professor Fetzer a university in an excellent position. Fetzer had challenging tasks ahead of him, but he would also have the opportunity to make his own mark. “As Vice-President for Strategic Planning, Internationalization and Equal Opportunity Professor Fetzer has already laid the foundations for the future of the university,” said science minister Petra Olschowski. With the ministry, he had allies at his side. She wished him every success and joy in his new role.

In his farewell speech, Professor Puhl thanked his colleagues from the university, the ministry and society. He was lucky to spend close to 40 fulfilling years at the University of Mannheim. The position of President was his dream job, he said. “They were the most colorful, exciting and beautiful years of my professional life. I received so much support from the university and the ministry,” Puhl summarized. He said he was delighted that his colleague Vice President Thomas Fetzer decided to take on the position. The university was “in the very best hands” with him.
Professor Fetzer thanked his predecessor, saying that he was fortunate to be taking over a university that was in an excellent position. During his term of office, he wanted to make sure that the university continued to be at the top in Germany and Europe with its research and education profile. Excellent research was the foundation for excellent teaching and transfer. He intended to promote interdisciplinary research even more intensively, for example with the establishment of a Mannheim Center for Advanced Studies (CAS), which provided researchers with the opportunity to work on joint research projects.
With its strategy, the university had a “compass in times of great challenges,” Fetzer emphasized. In particular, those are future university funding, international crises and increasing skepticism towards science in society and politics. These presented universities with major uncertainties. Nonetheless, he was not worried, Fetzer continued. The university had a good strategy and a large network of support—in the Ministry of Science as well as in the city and the region—and “incredibly motivated researchers, teachers, students and employees.”
The cooperation with ENGAGE.EU and international cohesion were also emphasized several times, and the special commitment of Professor Puhl and Professor Fetzer to the alliance was highlighted. As the new Vice President for Sustainability and International Affairs, Prof. Moritz Fleischmann has also taken on the role of ENGAGE.EU coordinator.