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4 November Kick-Offs (Programme)

We are looking forward to an intensive series of kick-off meetings tomorrow:

  • 10.30-12.30: Online meeting for rectors of the European Universities selected under the second call (moderator: Jan Palmowski)
    • Welcome statement by Themis Christophidou, European Commission, Director-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
    • First experiences and lessons learnt from the European Universities selected under the first call (four rectors from the first 17 alliances)
    • Interactive discussions on the transformational potential of European Universities and the role of rectors therein (participatory break-out groups)
  • 9.30-17.00: Online student sessions
    • Welcome statement by Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, European Commission, Head of Unit Higher Education
    • European Universities initiative: vision on student involvement (Oana Dumitrescu and Tess van den Brink, European Commission, Higher Education Unit)
    • Good practices from students (presentation by student representatives of the European University alliances on good practices and by ESU & ESN representatives on recommendations)
    • Break-out sessions: fostering engagement; awareness raising and promotion; future vision for European Universities
  • 14.30-17.00: First joint online meeting for rectors of European Universities (1st and 2d calls) and directors general for higher education (moderator: Charlotte Van Velthoven)
    • Welcome and introduction (Themis Christophidou, European Commission, Director-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, and by Ullrich Schüller, Director-General, German Ministry for Education and Research)
    • The transformational potential of European Universities (testimonials by four rectors of European University alliances, followed by Q&As)
    • Member States in support of European Universities (testimonials by three Directors-General of Member States, followed by Q&As)
    • Student engagement and involvement in European Universities Intervention by students from European Universities (followed by Q&As)
    • How to unleash the potential of European Universities: bottlenecks encountered (presentation by four rectors of European University alliances on concrete issues hampering deeper transnational cooperation, followed by plenary discussion)

All best wishes for productive talks tomorrow — stay tuned for details.