We are moving to Tilburg University with ENGAGE.EU’s next testimonial. Thank you to Elke van Cassel, who is Programme Manager for Recognition & Rewards there.
After one year of digital implementation, we are happy to invite you to our first ‘face-to-face’ meeting, which will take place on 21-22 October this year at the University of Mannheim.
Last month, on 6 July at 6pm CET, the members of ENGAGE.EU’s Student Circle got together online for the closing ceremony following their first joint assignment: the development of a recommendation framework for societal outreach activities in higher education from a student prespective.
Our next testimonial comes from LUISS’ Daniele Gallo:
“[ENGAGE.EU] allows me to put into action critical thinking on how to achieve […]
As Academic Year 2021/22 is approaching fast, we have announced the full list of courses on the table for the next round of the Initiative. Please follow this link to explore the offer in full.
Last Tuesday, 22 June, the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) hosted a key ENGAGE.EU workshop aimed at identifying the academic needs of practitioners in the light of societal change.
#EngagerTestimonials 2: Martina Ernst, WU Vienna We are moving over to WU Vienna (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien — Vienna University of Economics and Business) with the next…
Standing on the shoulders of the existing concepts of entrepreneurship, innovation, and intrapreneurship, we came up with a brand new idea of ‘innopreneurship’ to encompass them all and jump onto a whole new level.
“It inspires me to exchange views across cultures, to implement ideas together, and to live the European idea.” She is one of two heads of ENGAGE.EU’s office at the University of Mannheim: Dr. Ursula Schlichter. From the very first idea, she has accompanied the creation of the European University ENGAGE.EU.
The first task of ENGAGE.EU’s work package 4 (Engaged in Society) is related to mapping the structures, cultures, and processes on societal engagement. Here, the core objective is to start reflecting on our common understanding of societal outreach activities and to get an overview of existing practices for societal outreach within and outside the alliance.