ENGAGE.EU Active Community Sports Challenge We invite all learners from the seven partner universities within the alliance to take part in the first edition of…
ENGAGE.EU Learners at the Conference on the Future of Europe ENGAGE.EU learners took part in the Conference on the Future of Europe as representatives of…
#EngagerTestimonials 8: Sydney Greiner, UMA Sydney Greiner is the face of #EngagerTestimonials 8. She is a student at the University of Mannheim working with the…
Joint Statement of the 41 Alliances of European Universities in Support of Ukraine We, the 41 Alliances of European Universities, representing about 300 European Higher…
Statement of ENGAGE.EU on the War in Ukraine The European University ENGAGE.EU takes a stand on the war in Ukraine: The ENGAGE.EU partner universities strongly…
X-Lab at Luiss University Do you want to be an engaged student and work on real-life challenges and create mission oriented solutions? Join the XLab!…
“Science for Future” Lecture Series The University of Mannheim organizes a lecture series called “Science for Future – How Scientific Research Can Support Sustainable Development”.…
#ENGAGEVoices: Tessa Chambon, TiU Tessa Chambon is the face of episode 2 of #ENGAGEvoices. She shared her thoughts on the ENGAGE.EU project and her participation…
The European university ENGAGE.EU has been selected to participate in the workshop “Innovation ecosystems and entrepreneurship”, a time to exchange experiences and good practices with other European university alliances.
#EngagerTestimonials 7: Therese Sverdrup, NHH #EngagerTestimonials 7 is here with Therese Sverdrup, associate professor at NHH. Here are her thoughts on the ENGAGE.EU project: What…